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Day 4 was all about debunking the misconception that carbohydrates are our enemies. In reality, carbohydrates are our allies, helping us feel full and ensuring a steady release of natural sugars in our bodies. When we consume vegetables, fruits, and other natural foods with carbohydrates, our bodies convert them into glucose, providing us with the sustained energy we need to power through our day. Refined sugars added to most processed foods are digested faster than complex carbs, resulting in weight gain and other metabolic diseases.

We were asked to add pieces of fruit to our day and begin doing this daily. This will assist in reducing the craving for sugar and keep us full longer. I have always had fruit in my home; however, since I started this journey to reduce sugar and processed foods, I have stocked my fridge with varied fruits for snacks, smoothies, and salads.

So drop by your local farmers market and pick up some fresh fruit! The farmers and your body will be happy!

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This beautiful quote by Mario Fernandez defines Summer 2024 for me.

Last evening, we finally got our boat on the lake, had our first sunset cruise, and moored up with friends.

Last summer, Feelin Nauti did not see the lake due to mechanical troubles. Throughout our personal storm, efforts were made to fix her, and in the end, we were surprised to find out it was simply the fuel pump!

For me, summer 2023 was one filled with apprehension, feelings of hope, and feelings of despair amidst the storm of nine tests carried out in three hospitals. It was a summer when I was asked to dig deep and find the reservoir of faith and hope to propel me forward!

I have been neglecting my daily posts this summer, enjoying days filled with sunshine, family, friends, and good health. I am always grateful for every day I breathe to live in our world and share experiences with my family and friends. However, this summer is special and feels like a renewed gift of life.

I am sharing this post with you for two reasons. First, I request your patience as I complete the 5-Day Sugar Challenge Recap and share more recipes and mindful tips. Secondly, if you are facing your own storms this summer, I want to give you the hope that sunshine is above the clouds and is waiting for you.

I must take leave as I begin preparing for my Lakeside yoga class. Have a wonderful day ahead, and may your summer days be filled with vitamin sea, good health, and good times.

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"The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest

his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and the

cause and prevention of disease." Thomas Edison

On day 3 of the Sugar Challenge, we were educated on the importance of having fibre in our diet. Fibre has an anti-inflammatory effect on our body, helps to feed the good bacteria for a healthy gut, and tells our brain to release lectin to note that we are full. We don't need any more food!

When we choose to consume fruits and vegetables, we're opting for sugars that are naturally bound with water, vitamins, and nutrients. This results in a gradual release of sugar in our system, unlike the quick spike from free sugars in processed foods. These free sugars not only promote harmful bacteria and inflammation but also contribute to fat storage and inhibit fat breakdown in our bodies.

Fibre is an important component of a healthy diet, especially in managing sugar levels. It slows down the digestion process, ensuring that the sugar from plants doesn't cause a sudden spike in insulin. Instead, it's burned for energy. Additionally, fibre aids in bowel movements, the body's natural way to eliminate toxins.

Eating free sugars spikes our energy in the short term, but we require more food to sustain our energy. I have experienced this when I eat donuts, muffins or sugared foods for breakfast. Within 2 hours, I am hungry again. It does nothing to aid the body's energy, removal of toxins, or signal when we are full.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD and Nathan Crane, a health researcher, suggest eating 33 grams of fibre daily. Here is a sample they provided us outlining what 33 grams looks like in a daily diet.

  • 1 cup of cooked lentils/beans: 15 grams

  • An apple: 4 grams

  • A cup of asparagus: 3 grams

  • two carrots: 2 grams

  • 1/2 cup of seeds: 3 grams

  • 1/2 cup of Quinoa: 5 grams

They provided tasty, healthy, and nutrient-rich recipes to help us include more fibre in our diets. Try the Garlic Hummus recipe below to support increased fibre in your diet.

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