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"7 Ways to Turn That Frown Upside Down and Boost Your Mood"

Many of us have heard the saying, "Turn that frown upside down!" This phrase is often used with children to make them smile when sad or angry over relatively minor problems but is less commonly used with adults or in serious situations.

Positivity is a gift that I cherish. It's not just a matter of preference, but a necessity for me. Negative energy drains me, so I consciously choose to focus on the positive. I believe that many factors, including the sunshine, can influence our emotions. With spring just around the corner, I'm looking forward to the rejuvenating power of longer, sunnier days.

As we step into the weekend, I urge you to remember that life is a precious gift. I often find myself gazing at pictures of my son, capturing his innocent smile and carefree spirit. These images not only evoke fond memories but also serve as a poignant reminder that life is fleeting. Let's cherish the present and make the most of it.

To help you live a happy life, I’ve put together some advice based on Carl Phillips’ article in the Huffington Post. Pick one or two to try this weekend. If you're a teacher like me, check off the things you're already doing that bring you immediate joy. This in itself will bring you happiness.

  1. Contribute to something greater than yourself.

  2. Be Thankful. Turn your expectations into appreciation. - Tony Robbins

  3. Treat every day as the beginning of something new.

  4. Focus on the positive. Look for the good in situations.

  5. Be your best friend.

  6. Look for triggers and remove them if you can.

  7. Remember, life is precious.

As humans, we often take the life we ​​have for granted. Let’s start this weekend by realizing that life is short and turn that frown upside down!

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