If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerfully. However, the wisest thing you can do is be present in the present…Gratefully. – Maya Angelou
On the first day of Christmas, my mindful self gave me present-moment awareness, freeing me from regrets about the past and fears about the future and encouraging me to live in the present without fear or worry.
As we begin the countdown to Christmas, we must develop mindfulness habits that support positive mental health. Mind and body are not separate. What affects one affects the other.
Many of us face health issues, cancer or other issues that cause us to worry. We constantly deal with the relationship between mind and body. This month, I will have my first-trimester scan to see if I have successfully stopped cancer or controlled its progression. While waiting for results, these scans can create an uncomfortable feeling called scan anxiety. Some people become paralyzed by fear of the unknown. Our brains work overtime, fearing the worst-case scenarios, which can lead to panic and stress. The present moment is lost to the future and unknown.
Let us kick off December by practicing to live in the present moment. When your mind wanders to future worries, acknowledge them, put them aside, and say to yourself, "Be here now." Today, take time to smell the coffee, enjoy the lights and Christmas decor, listen to the music, and be present with those around you.
That was so well worded. Excellent
Thank you for reminding us about this very important message. We can exhaust ourselves with worries about the past and the future. Wishing you peace and health during this festive month. ❤️
Such wisdom in this practice, however challenging it may be. Holding you in positive light today, in the present. Namaste ❤️
Wishing you a wonderful month of health and celebration.
Such great advice, as I drink my coffee, live in the moment and honour the peacefulness in my home.