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Boost Your Well-being: Introducing Superfoods and Cutting Back on Unhealthy Foods

Updated: Aug 25

After diagnosis, I was looking for areas in my life that I could control to improve my health during cancer treatment. A great resource is "Food Without Cancer" by Liana Werner-Gray. Her advice on superfoods and unhealthy foods helped me make small changes that have been shown to impact my health positively.

Werner-Gray discussed 15 superfoods you should keep or include in your diet and 15 non-foods you should eliminate or limit. In upcoming posts, I’ll share how I replaced non-food items with nutritious foods and drinks that are delicious, healthy, and easily accessible.

Try incorporating superfoods into your diet! These nutrient-dense foods contain antioxidants and other disease-fighting properties that improve your immune system and support your overall health. Start by limiting or eliminating some foods on your "foods to eliminate" list. Replace them with healthy options.

I have provided you with a printable handout to post on your fridge. This helped me stay focused on improving my diet for a better life.

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