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"Self-Care Spaces: How Tranquil Spaces Can Support Grounding, Calm, and Healing"

Updated: Aug 28


My spirit is grounded deep in the earth.

I am calm, strong, centred, and peaceful.

I am able to let go of fear and trust that I am eternally safe.

I am worth of all things beautiful. - Carly Marie

Today, we opened our sunroom, which was designed for use during three of the four seasons. This indicates that warm weather is upon us. Situated upon what was once an outdoor deck with a gazebo, this sunroom had been a long-awaited dream of mine.

My retirement plans were temporarily delayed when I received a diagnosis of breast cancer shortly after retiring in January 2019. To undergo surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, I had to put my plans on hold. For these reasons, I believed there was no better time to build my sunroom. In planning, I set the date of my first chemotherapy session as the target to have it built, furnished and ready.

In this room, I would find peace by opening the screens and immersing myself in the sounds of nature. While I may not have been an active participant, I enjoyed the melodic sounds of lake life in summertime. I lazed on my sofa, spending hours reading, doing crosswords, and visiting with friends who would drop by. This room gave me, and still does, a sense of peace and serenity.

Last summer, I deliberately selected this particular room to receive a phone call from my oncologist, providing me with updates on my PET scan and bone biopsy. Although the news was not what we wanted to hear, my husband and I focused intently on the positive messages given to us by the doctor. We remained calm while the ground beneath us shifted.

Creating a personal space that supports tranquillity and serenity is vital to self-care. It doesn't need to take up a whole room; it should be explicitly crafted to nurture and uplift you. This space becomes a place to process your feelings and learn to self-regulate your emotions.

During my yoga classes, I encourage my students to designate a corner in their rooms to display a cherished photograph, a candle, and any other meaningful items. This designated spot serves as a place where they can reconnect with themselves, bask in the candle's light, and engage in mindful breathing exercises.

Investing in yourself is the most significant investment you can make to support yourself, the ones you love, and humanity. Below are suggestions for things you can include in your mindful self-care space.

  • Space for reading, listening to music and stress-relieving activities.

  • Make your space cozy with comfortable seating, pillows, and blankets.

  • When planning your space, consider your five senses: candles for seeing, scents for smelling, music for listening, etc.

  • Hang photos that bring you joy.

  • Plants or views of the outdoors to help you use nature to relax.

  • Use your favourite colours to surround you in peace and harmony.

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